Due to ill health services are no longer running
Online Tree

A secure online tree that is password protected. Each individual will have their sources attached and any photos.
Image and Document Scanning

Images and documents that
you have can be scanned at 600dpi to use as sources and documents for your tree. If you are also wishing to add photos of people to use in the tree charts and have no scanner we can scan these too and return
all images in the post.
Family Research

Research goes into all 3 options but as a separate service if you are looking for information on a specific ancestor or relative we can find information for that particular person or side of the family and produce a report with the details of the findings.

Looking to be kept in the loop and updated? no problem! we can speak through skype or on the phone through the contact number provided to you on email. This way you are not kept in the dark with the progress of your family history.